Wednesday, February 4, 2009

08 Soccer Season


Body Paragraph 1:
The season was underway once the ref blew that whistle my season kicked ff as we dribbled the ball down field. Martin took it up field, passed to Giovanni, passed across field to me. I passed it back to Martin. Martin took the shot but the goalie stopped the ball. We were disappointed but we had to keep our head in the game or else it would be all down hill from there. After they tried to score we got the ball back and we were going to score. Martin juked left and right as he brought the ball to Mid Field. Passed it to me as I took the ball to the goal I instantly passed the ball to Martin and the goalie. That was the First goal of the season and it’s never felt so good.

Body Paragraph 2:
All the players on the team were amazing. Even though I don’t remember all the players’ names. Let’s see, Martin was Mid, Giovanni was Left-Mid, I was Right-Mid/Forward, Anthony was Goalie, and that’s all I could remember. But we had the best coach you could ever have, even though he’s tough, that’s what helped us win all our games. And we had some assistant coaches but no one knew their name.

Body Paragraph 3:
The last game was the worst because we only played one team that entire season which was only three games. Today was the third game and it was time to score as much as we possibly could so we were on top of our game. There were so many shots on goal, passes. Assist’s, blocks, steals. Finally, the end of the game came around, the final score 8-0 us. We owned you could say, but we were bummed that it was the end of a great season.

Topic Sentence:
This essay is all about my entire 09 Soccer Season.

My 09 soccer season was so amazingly awesome I didn't want it to end. I was amazed to see how well we played as a team, it was like we were all one player because we never allowed a goal that entire season I we were ready for more games, but sadly we had no games left and that was pretty much it from there. The season was amazing, so were the players, the coaches, the fans. the victory. That's why I never wanted that season to end